About us

We are a unique pole dance school based in Leuven, Wilsele and Heverlee, giving more than 25 classes a week by 7 skilled teachers.

Do you feel insecure and uncomfortable with your body? Would you like to feel stronger and empowered doing a sport that makes you feel like the queen/king of the world? Then you are destined to be a pole dancer. 

During my classes, I like to combine strength and flexible ticks in smooth transitions, adding of course a good drop or roll. I will push you to the limit with kindness but with rigor. You will be in pain (yes pole dancing is painful), you will be discouraged at times, but at the end of each class you will be proud of yourself. I will always be there to remind you of your physical strength, but more importantly your mental strength. 

Meet the founder

My name is Diana Crista and starting pole dance was a real turning point in my life.

When I started, I did not have a positive image of myself but I was motivated to feel better in my body and in my mind. With time and practice, I have gained strength, flexibility, but above all confidence in my physical and mental abilities. I felt empowered.  

After the birth of my second child I was looking for a sport that would combine flow, strength and sensuality. In 2013, I took my first pole dance class in Brussels and have never stopped since then. It was love at first sight...  

Get to know us

Meet the team




Get to know us

Meet the team



In 2013, I took my first pole dance class in Brussels at Sarahcademy and have never stopped since then. It was love at first sight...  
In 2015 I decided to take my first pole dance vocational training with Doris Arnold at Studio Françoise in Paris.
Finally, after 3 years of intense practice and dedication, I opened my own pole dance school DC POLE STUDIO in Leuven to help women and men to feel stronger and more confident by celebrating their bodies. Since then, hundreds of students have joined my classes to step out of their comfort zone and enjoy this new discipline.
From my own practice I found out very quickly that pole dancing is a very demanding sport that can have a strong impact on muscles, joints and tendons. To better understand the human body, its abilities and limits, I completed the training as Physical Trainer at Physical Academy in Brussels and I passed another training as International NASM certified Personal Trainer in June 2017 and a senior fitness specialization in 2018.
Since the beginning of the adventure, we have a team of 8 qualified teachers who give more than 25 hours of lessons per week in 4 different locations in Leuven. In addition to the regular classes, we have expanded our offer to include flexibility classes, chair dance, sexy pole, pole strengthening and twerk.
With a deep knowledge, a good pedagogy and a lot of passion, we help women and men to be the super hero of their life!



I started my sportive life at the age of 6 with gymnastics in the local school. After a few weeks they sent me to the competition level because I was so flexible. I did that for 5 years, training 6 days per week.
At 14 I started dancing, exploring all kinds of styles like ballet, jazz dance, hip hop, modern dance and I joined the show team of the school.
When I was 18 I participated in a dance project of Fabuleus, by and for young people. We traveled around Belgium with our performance and even won a prize.
During my student years I discovered salsa and joined Salsaflash in Leuven. A new world of dance opened up.
In 2016 on a Thursday in October I saw an announcement on Facebook by Diana, the partner of the owner of Salsaflash where U danced salsa. She would start pole classes on Sunday in the center of Leuven. I did not hesitate for a moment, I was there and I never left. It started with one class a week to several classes per week, pole camps, pole weekends abroad, following workshops by international teachers...
A new passion and a new way of life was born. I have been teaching for several years now at DCPole. 
I teach mainly pole dance and flexibility and sometimes also chair dance, sexy floorwork, handstands on pole...
I also have several years experience teaching in other schools in and around Brussels and I am still following classes and workshops to upgrade my level.
I am in love with handstands and splits and like to make my combo's flowy. So I am here to teach you several handstand poses and all kinds of moves and combos with a touch of flow.



Born and raised in Leuven. Growing up I tried 1000 different sports and always ended up quitting within the year. At the end of 2018 I followed an initiation class of DC pole and it marked the beginning of my pole dancing journey. One training a week became four, even five trainings a week. As a teacher I love to focus on building strength and confidence, to become a true pole ninja!   






Born in Brazil, I've been living in Belgium since 1994. In Brazil I was a professional lambada and axĂ© dancer. Moving to Belgium and motherhood obliged me to put my passion on the side. In 2016, I found my inner fire again when I discovered pole dance classes in Leuven. Since then I never stop dancing again. 

In 2018, I started teaching and sharing my good mood with my students at DC POLE STUDIO. I prefer teaching beginners classes because it’s an opportunity to introduce others to the joy of pole dance. I want my students to feel proud of their achievements and increase their self-love every time they go to my class. 

Why should you take my classes? Because of my boundless energy and flowing Brazilian creativity.



I’m Vincent, and I teach pole dance at DC POLE STUDIO up to level intermediate. In my classes, you will discover what your body is capable of, and feel confident in the process and proud about your results, class after class. 

Through my previous experiences in latin and ballroom dance, I add extra attention to form clean lines and good form. With an engineering background I'm extremely interested in how to increase what we can do with minimal effort by positioning our body just right. Positioning is extremely important, especially for injury prevention. 

I love to teach because my students give me energy; I love to see them accomplish something they thought they couldn’t, and I knew they could. You can do more than we think, and I will show you how. 

My favorite pole style? Spinning pole.



I am a passionate pole dancer with a background in yoga, calisthenics and flexibility. My goal as a teacher is to have each student leaving class a little happier, a little more confident, and a little stronger than when they came. I will help you train safely, make steady progress, and find your own style in dance. I will always give you the space to add your touch and make the movement yours!  






I was raised in and around Leuven. I have been fascinated by the (spinny) pole dance art for years, but I thought I would never be able to do this sport. In the beginning I was feeling too prudish and not sportive enough. I took a pole dance lesson for the first time in 2018 at the DC-POLE STUDIO with Diana. I love to visit other studios all over the world to see how the pole sport is practiced and taught in other places. Little by little pole dancing took more time and I started to feel like a real pole addict.

Pole dancing makes me feel stronger and more confident! I like to share my love and knowledge with my students in a fun and accessible way. You will love my lessons for my energy and perseverance! I will get you out of your comfort zone in a fun and relaxed way. I will share my passion with you!



My name is Io born in Belgium and raised in Afrika. One of my big passions is dancing. I started my first dance lessons at 12 and never stopped dancing since then.
As a teacher, I'm always positive, very open and reachable, never give up on my students, always encouraging them, no matter where you start. Every'body' is different.



Movement and dance is my life. 
With over 20 years of dancing experience, I have experimented with different dance styles, from classical rhythmic gymnastics, to salsa, tango, bellydance and pole dancing & twerking as cherry on the top. 
After struggling with my lower back for a few years and not finding any relief with conventional therapies, I have started my own discovery journey into the world of human physiology and functional movement. This new knowledge helped me to improve my own training and my quality of life. Now has come the time to share it with you. My "functional movement basics" class is for everyone who wants to improve their mind- body connection, get a better functioning core (hello inversions!) and learn how to release tension in their body to avoid injuries. This class will help you to move and to dance more freely and to use your body in a more effective way and most importantly to enjoy it more, without pain.

where the magic happens

our studio

Where can you find us ?


Studio Center
6 Sint-Antoniusberg
3000 Leuven

Studio Heverlee
88 Hertogstraat
3001 Leuven

featured in the press

"La pole dance toujours plus populaire en Belgique"
"Paaldanseres uit Wilsele doet gooi naar Belgische titel"
"Leuven Sport Afl. 2: "Wat is jouw meest gĂȘnante sportmoment ?""

You are beautiful. You are strong.

Our goal is to transform exercise into a celebration of what the body can do. We will help you gain confidence and support your courage to be your authentic self also outside of the studio.